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Will Softened Water Taste Different? Insights from a Pentair Water Softening Company in Yorkville, Illinois

Pentair Water Softening Services in Yorkville, Illinois

If you are thinking about installing a water softener, you might be wondering whether it will impact the taste of your drinking water? While a water softener can certainly make a small difference in taste, the extent of the change depends on things like how hard your water is and what type of softening system you use.

Below, this Pentair water softening company in Yorkville, Illinois is going to explain how water softeners can change your water’s taste.

What happens to the taste of your water when it is softened?

Water softeners remove minerals like calcium and magnesium, which make water “hard.” This happens through a process called ion exchange, where water passes through a resin bead that replaces these minerals with sodium or potassium. As a result, the water becomes “soft” and easier on pipes, appliances, and skin.

Because some sodium is added to the water during the softening process, the taste can change slightly. Some people describe softened water as having a faintly smooth or slightly salty taste, whereas others don’t really notice any difference at all.

If you have questions about how your water will taste, a professional Pentair water softening company in Yorkville, Illinois will be there to help you choose the best system to balance water quality and taste.

Why does softened water taste different?

Sodium or potassium in softened water: Most water softeners use sodium chloride (salt) to remove hard minerals, which slightly increases the amount of sodium in the water. The harder your water is before treatment, the more sodium the softener has to use. While the increase is minimal, it is something to consider.

Mineral removal and a “flat” taste: Minerals like calcium and magnesium are what give water its natural taste. When a water softener removes these minerals, the water can taste a little “flat” or less crisp. This does not make the water bad, but some people may need time to get used to it.

Additional impurities in water: Water softeners can effectively remove hardness minerals, but they don’t filter out other contaminants like chlorine, sulfur, or iron, which can still affect water taste. If your water has a strong smell or an odd flavor after softening, it could be due to these impurities and not the softener itself. Your local Pentair water softening company in Yorkville, Illinois can help you come up with a solution to these problems as well.

How to make sure your drinking water still tastes good?

If you don’t want your water softener to change the taste of your water, there are some easy ways to keep your water tasting just the way you like it. One easy solution is to have a separate tap in your kitchen that gives unsoftened water just for drinking and cooking. With this solution, you can enjoy both natural-tasting water and the benefits of soft water throughout the rest of your home.

You can also install a reverse osmosis (RO) system, which removes extra sodium and other impurities to give you better-tasting water. And if you want to prevent hard water buildup but don’t want any changes to your drinking water at all? In that case, you could consider a salt-free water conditioning system, which reduces mineral buildup without changing the taste of your water.

Looking for a Pentair Water Softening Company in Yorkville, Illinois?

Are you tired of dealing with the problems caused by hard water? If so, and if you’re ready to have a new water softener installed by the best Pentair water softening company in Yorkville, Illinois, you’ve come to the right place — Johnson Water Conditioning is just a call away. Contact us today to learn how we can help improve your water quality.

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