Reasons to Install a New Water Softener: Insights from a Pentair Water Softening Company in Elburn, Illinois

There are all sorts of water conditioning systems available to homeowners. However, if you live in the Elburn, Illinois area, the most effective system you can have in your home is the water softener.
Are you interested in learning how a water softener can help improve your home? This Pentair water softening company in Elburn, Illinois is going to explain below.
It Can Keep Your Skin and Hair Healthy
One of the biggest benefits of water softening is that it can keep your skin and hair healthy. It does this by eliminating calcium and magnesium particles from your water.
The calcium and magnesium in hard water tend to stick to the skin and hair. When they do this, they not only block the secretion of important body oils, but they also cause the hair to become dry and stiff. This results in problems like acne, eczema, split ends, and more.
If you want to keep the risk of these problems to a minimum, you’ll need to keep your water free of calcium and magnesium particles. How do you do this? By having a new system installed by your local Pentair water softening company in Elburn, Illinois.
It Can Prevent Limescale
Limescale buildup is a white, powdery-like entity that tends to show up on metal sinks and shower heads. It is a buildup of calcium and magnesium particles, which are left behind after the hard water evaporates.
While there’s nothing dangerous about limescale, it doesn’t look great. In fact, it can drag down the aesthetic of a home substantially, which is why most homeowners would rather eliminate it.
How can you get rid of limescale in your home? By working with a professional Pentair water softening company in Elburn, Illinois. A water softener will remove the calcium and magnesium from your water, thereby destroying any chance of limescale appearing.
It Can Keep Your Pipes from Closing
Another big benefit of having soft water is that it can keep your pipes from closing. When the calcium and magnesium in hard water pass through your water pipes, they tend to cling to the pipes’ interior walls. Over time, this can result in mineral accumulation that causes the pipe to become narrower.
Eventually, this can cause the pipe to close off entirely. When that occurs, your water pressure will suffer, and the pipes will need to be replaced.
You can prevent this from happening by simply installing a water softener. The water softener will eliminate excess calcium and magnesium from your water, and therefore, you won’t have to worry about mineral buildup.
It Can Give You More Soap Suds
If you want to clean things as thoroughly as possible, you’ll need ample amounts of soap suds. The issue is that hard water and soap suds don’t mix. This is because the calcium and magnesium in hard water tend to impair the chemical reaction that occurs between soap and water.
Instead of ample suds, hard water produces a weak soap lather. This can still be used to clean, but it doesn’t do anywhere near the job that suds do.
Fortunately, you can increase soap suds by having a Pentair water softener installed. The softener will remove calcium and magnesium from your water supply, which will allow the chemical reaction between soap and water to happen at full force. Ample soap suds will be the result.
Looking for a Pentair Water Softening Company in Elburn, Illinois?
Are you interested in enjoying all the benefits that come from having soft water? If so, and if you’re looking for a Pentair water softening company in Elburn, Illinois that can make it possible, Johnson Water Conditioning is the company to call.
Contact us today to learn more about the types of systems we offer.