Things You Might Not Know About Water Softeners: Insights from a Pentair Water Softening Company in Campton Hills, Illinois

In the Campton Hills area, the ground water is notoriously hard. As such, many Campton Hills area residents utilize water softeners in their homes to combat the negative effects of hard water.
Are you looking for some information about water softeners and the benefits they provide? If so, you’ve come to the right place. This Pentair water softening company in Campton Hills, Illinois is going to discuss some things you might not know about these systems below.
What Is a Water Softener?
A water softener is a machine that’s designed to turn hard water into soft water. When water contains copious amounts of calcium and magnesium, it’s deemed to be “hard”. Hard water has several negative characteristics, which is why most homeowners prefer to have it treated with a water softener.
Water softeners use a process known as ion exchange. When hard water passes through the water softener, the calcium and magnesium within it trade places with sodium ions inside the water softener. Therefore, by the time the water has left the water softener, it’s void of calcium and magnesium and contains just small amounts of sodium.
This offers several benefits, which we will discuss below.
The Benefits of Pentair Water Softeners
Healthier Skin and Hair
Hard water is rough on the skin and hair, causing it to become dry and brittle over time. This can even lead to problems like acne and split ends. By removing calcium and magnesium from your water supply, however, you can remove the cause of these problems. All you’ll need to do is have a water softener installed by your local Pentair water softening company in Campton Hills, Illinois.
Cleaner Water Pipes
Over time, the calcium and magnesium in hard water tend to cling to the interior walls of water pipes. As they accumulate, they leave less space for water to flow. This results in reduced water pressure and, eventually, a complete restriction of water pressure. By installing a water softener, you can remove calcium and magnesium from your water supply, thereby keeping your water pipes clean and functional.
More Soap Suds
Hard water inhibits the chemical reaction between soap and water, thereby reducing soap sud production. If you want to be able to produce ample soap suds, you’ll need to remove the calcium and magnesium from your water.
Longer-lasting Clothes
The calcium and magnesium in hard water tend to work their way into the fibers of clothing. Over time, this causes the clothing to deteriorate, ending its usefulness prematurely. Therefore, if you want to get the most out of your clothing, you’ll need to remove the calcium and magnesium from your water. How can you do this? By working with a professional Pentair water softening company in Campton Hills, Illinois.
The Eradication of Limescale Buildup
Limescale is a white, powder-like substance that builds up on water-based entities over time. It’s most visible on faucets, shower heads, and metal sinks. While it’s not functionally harmful in any way, it does bring down the overall aesthetic of a property. This is why, in many cases, homeowners choose to eradicate it by installing a water softener. The right system will eliminate all the calcium and magnesium from your water supply, thereby eliminating all risk of limescale buildup.
Looking for a Pentair Water Softening Company in Campton Hills, Illinois?
Are you interested in softening the water in your home? Ready to partner with the best Pentair water softening company in Campton Hills, Illinois? If so, Johnson Water Conditioning is the company to call.
Our experts have installed water softeners in countless homes throughout the Campton Hills area and beyond. Regardless of the size of your home’s water supply, we have a water softener that will accommodate you. Contact us today to discuss your options.