What Does a Water Softener Have to Offer? Insights from a Pentair Water Softening Company in Wayne, Illinois

Hard water isn’t considered to be bad for your overall health. However, it does have several undesirable effects. As such, if you live in an area where the ground water is naturally hard — such as the Wayne, Illinois area — you should consider installing a water softener in your home.
The question you might have, though, is why? What exactly does a water softener have to offer? If you are looking for the answers to these questions, you’ve come to the right place. This Pentair water softening company in Wayne, Illinois is going to discuss some of the key things you should know below.
It Eliminates Limescale Buildup
Limescale buildup is a white, powdery substance that is typically found on metal sinks and faucets. It’s basically a small collection of calcium and magnesium particles, which only show up after hard water has evaporated from the surface.
Limescale buildup causes no harm to human health. However, it’s not exactly something you want to have covering the surfaces in your home. As such, most homeowners prefer to eliminate it altogether.
How do you remove it permanently? By having a water softener installed by a professional Pentair water softening company in Wayne, Illinois. A Pentair water softener will remove calcium and magnesium from your water supply, thereby eliminating limescale buildup for good.
It Produces More Soap Suds
The presence of hard water makes it very difficult to produce soap suds. This is because it impairs the chemical reaction between soap and water. Unfortunately, when you don’t have many soap suds, you may struggle to get things as clean as you’d like.
Fortunately, there is a way to get more soap suds: you can install a water softener. A water softener removes all the calcium and magnesium from a water supply. In doing so, it enables the full chemical reaction to occur between soap and water. This results in optimal amounts of soap suds, which will improve your cleaning capabilities substantially.
Want to be able to produce more soap suds in your home? Do not hesitate to get in touch with your local Pentair water softening company in Wayne, Illinois.
It Keeps Water Pipes from Narrowing
Over time, hard water can wreak havoc on your home’s water pipes. This is because it causes calcium and magnesium particles to build up on the insides of the pipes. This results in the pipes becoming narrower over time.
When the pipes narrow, your water pressure goes down. At some point, the pipes can narrow to an extent that water can’t pass through them at all. At that point, your pipes will need to be replaced entirely.
Fortunately, you can prevent this from happening by installing a Pentair water softener. The water softener will remove the calcium and magnesium particles from your water, thereby reducing the amount of internal pipe buildup that occurs.
It Protects the Skin and Hair
At some point in time, you’ve likely heard that hard water is bad for your skin and hair. Rest assured, it’s all true. Not only can hard water result in acne and eczema, but split ends and broken hair as well.
This is because of the calcium and magnesium in hard water. These two particles cling to the skin during showers and baths. When this happens, they clog up skin pores and prevent the secretion of necessary body oils. This leaves the skin and hair feeling extremely dry, which can lead to the problems mentioned above.
The solution is simple: you can install a Pentair water softener. The water softener will remove the calcium and magnesium from your water supply, which will allow for the secretion of vital body oils.
Looking for a Pentair Water Softening Company in Wayne, Illinois?
Are you interested in softening your water? Ready to have a water softener installed by the most trusted Pentair water softening company in Wayne, Illinois? If so, you’ve come to the right place — Johnson Water Conditioning is the company to call.
Contact us today to schedule a free consultation with our experts.