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The Main Differences Between Well Water and City Water: Insights from a Pentair Water Softening Company in Lake Zurich, Illinois

Pentair Water Softening Company in Lake Zurich, Illinois

When it comes to your home’s water supply, where your water comes from matters a lot. Are you using water from a private well, or are you connected to the city’s water system? Each source has its own pros, cons, and challenges. 

If you want clean, safe, and reliable water for drinking, cooking, and cleaning, it’s important to understand the basics of these two water sources. That’s where we can help. Below, this Pentair water softening company in Lake Zurich, Illinois is going to explain the main differences between well and city water.

A simple look at how well water and city water are different.

The main difference between well water and city water is their source. Well water comes from an underground aquifer that you access using a private well on your property. City water comes from a municipal water system that treats the water and sends it to your home through pipes.

Well water is untreated. It comes straight from the ground, which means it can have many minerals (like calcium, magnesium, and iron), bacteria, dirt, and even harmful contaminants. In fact, a study by the US Geological Survey found that water from one out of five private wells had dangerous levels of contaminants. This is especially alarming because nearly 43 million Americans (around 15% of the US population) rely on private wells for their drinking water.

City water is treated to meet safety standards before it gets to your home. The city adds chemicals like chlorine to kill bacteria, but this can give your water a weird taste and smell. And even though city water is treated, it can still have minerals that cause hardness.

Does your water come from a well or the city? In both cases, having a system installed by a trusted Pentair water softening company in Lake Zurich, Illinois is a good investment. A good system can handle the problems that come with raw well water or reduce the effects of chemicals in city water. 

The benefits and issues of well water.

With well water, you are not paying a monthly water bill to the city. You are also in control of your water supply, which can be reassuring, especially during emergencies. Many people also like the natural taste of well water, when it is free of contaminants, that is.

But one major concern with well water is hardness. Water with more than 121 milligrams per liter (mg/L) of calcium carbonate is considered “hard,” and well water can exceed this level.

Another problem with well water is iron. High levels of iron can leave rusty stains on your sinks, tubs, and laundry. It can also make your water taste or smell metallic. In some cases, well water can contain harmful coliform bacteria, which is unsafe for drinking.

Your local Pentair water softening company in Lake Zurich, Illinois can install a system that solves many of these problems. The right water softener can reduce hardness, remove iron (to an extent), and help make your well water cleaner and safer to use.

What can you expect with city water?

City water can look like the better option of the two because it is already treated to meet safety standards and is delivered directly to your home without the need for a private well. But city water has issues as well, and one of them is hardness. Hard water is still a common issue with city water, especially in areas where the water comes from rivers or lakes that naturally contain a high amount of minerals. 

Another concern with city water is chlorine. Chlorine is added to kill harmful bacteria, but it can give your water a strong taste or smell. Chlorine or chloramine levels up to 4 parts per million (ppm) are considered safe for drinking, but many people still find them noticeable and unpleasant. On top of that, if your city has old pipes, other contaminants can get into the water as it travels to your home.

Looking for a Pentair Water Softening Company in Lake Zurich, Illinois?

Are you ready to enjoy higher-quality water in your home? If so, Johnson Water Conditioning is the top choice. As the top-rated Pentair water softening company in Lake Zurich, Illinois, we can help you pick out and install the right system for your needs. Contact us today to discuss your options.

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