How Can You Produce More Soap Suds by Installing a Water Softener? A Pentair Water Softening Company in Elburn, Illinois Explains

If you want to clean things thoroughly in your home, you’ll need ample amounts of soap suds. However, if you have hard water in your home, soap suds will be hard to come by. Fortunately, there is a way to eliminate hard water in your home and produce more soap suds — all you’ll have to do is install a Pentair water softener.
Are you interested in learning how a water softener can give you more soap suds? This Pentair water softening company in Elburn, Illinois is going to discuss everything you’ll need to know below.
Why Does Hard Water Reduce Soap Suds?
You’re probably wondering: why does hard water reduce soap suds? In other words, what about it prevents soap suds from forming? It all comes down to calcium and magnesium content.
Calcium and magnesium are what make hard water “hard”. When existing in high numbers in your water supply, these two minerals create all sorts of problems — one of which is that they impair the production of soap suds.
When water contacts soap, the expected chemical reaction is for suds to form. However, when substantial amounts of calcium and magnesium are present, this chemical reaction can’t occur at full force. Therefore, instead of getting substantial suds, you’ll typically only get an oily lather at best.
If you want to produce more soap suds, you’ll need to eliminate the excess calcium and magnesium from your water supply. Doing so will make your water softer, and therefore, it will allow for a stronger chemical reaction.
What is the best way to get rid of calcium and magnesium? By installing a water softener in your home. This is where your local Pentair water softening company in Elburn, Illinois enters the picture.
Understanding the Functionality of the Water Softener
Water softeners produce more soap suds by removing calcium and magnesium from water. In doing so, they allow for the full chemical reaction to occur between soap and water.
The question is: how do they remove calcium and magnesium in the first place? They utilize a process called “ion exchange”. This is when positively charged ions are exchanged with negatively charged ions.
The water softener exchanges sodium for calcium and magnesium, utilizing resin beads to do so. The resin beads are loaded with sodium ions. Then, when hard water comes passing through the softener, the calcium and magnesium contained within latch onto the resin beads, replacing the sodium ions.
The sodium ions bond with the water molecules, then leave the softener with it. As a result, the water contains small amounts of sodium (which causes no noticeable difference) and no calcium or magnesium whatsoever. In essence, this water is now considered “soft”.
When the water is soft, it doesn’t do anything to impair the chemical reaction between soap and water. Alas, optimal soap suds are presented.
All you’ll have to do to keep the system running is to replenish the softener salt supply in the water softener. If you do this every month or so, you’ll have ample soap suds for the foreseeable future.
If you’re interested in installing a water softener, do not hesitate to contact a professional Pentair water softening company in Elburn, Illinois. Not only can they provide you with a water softener, but they can install it for you as well.
Looking for a Pentair Water Softening Company in Elburn, Illinois?
Are you interested in producing more soap suds in your home? If so, and if you’re looking to have a water softener installed by a reputable Pentair water softening company in Elburn, Illinois, look no further than Johnson Water Conditioning.
We have installed water softeners in countless homes and businesses throughout the Elburn area. Regardless of the size of your water supply, we can help you find the appropriate system. Contact us today to discuss your options.