How a Water Softener Will Benefit Your Water-Based Appliances: Insights from a Pentair Water Softening Company in Naperville, Illinois

Water softeners provide all sorts of benefits for homeowners — not the least of which is the benefit they have on water-based appliances like dishwashers, refrigerators, coffee machines, etc. All these appliances rely heavily on water to perform their functions, and when this water is “hard”, there are some undesirable effects that come with it.
Are you interested in learning about the specific ways in which water softeners can benefit your water-based appliances? This Pentair water softening company in Naperville, Illinois is going to explain below.
Understanding the Negative Effect of Hard Water on Water-Based Appliances
Hard water is characterized by excess amounts of calcium and magnesium. These two particles have a rough quality to them. They are, after all, minerals.
What this means is that, when they run through water-based appliances, they put friction on the appliances’ many internal components. Some of the mineral particles even accumulate upon the components, building up over time.
As this progresses, the components have a harder and harder time serving their function. First, efficiency issues present themselves. Eventually, however, the components break down, requiring repair or full-on replacement.
This wouldn’t have happened had the appliance been using soft water as opposed to hard water. Soft water contains very low amounts of calcium and magnesium, and therefore doesn’t have this adverse effect on the internal components of water-based appliances. Because of this, appliances using soft water perform better, use less energy, and last longer than their hard water-using counterparts.
What does this mean to you, the homeowner? It means that, if you have hard water running through your pipes, you should strongly consider softening it.
How can you go about doing this? By reaching out to a Pentair water softening company in Naperville, Illinois. A water softener will remove the calcium and magnesium particles from your water supply, thereby removing substantial stress from your water-based appliances.
Indications That You Have Hard Water in Your Home
When you have hard water in your home, there will likely be numerous indications signaling the fact. If you notice these indications, you should, at the very least, have your water tested for hardness. That said, if the indications are glaring, and if you live in an area known for hard water, you can most likely forego testing and just move on to installing a water softener.
The biggest indications of hard water in a home include:
The Appearance of Limescale
The appearance of limescale is a popular indication. Limescale is a white powder that frequently shows up on water-based objects like faucets, sinks, shower heads, etc. It’s essentially a small pile of magnesium and calcium particles that is left behind after hard water has evaporated.
Very Few Soap Suds
The calcium and magnesium in hard water hinder the chemical reaction between water and soap. This results in the formation of very few soap suds when the two are mixed. If you’re getting only a lather instead of a burst of suds, you’re likely dealing with hard water.
Dry Skin and Hair
Hard water is infamous for drying out the skin and hair, resulting in problems like acne, eczema, split ends, and more. If your skin and hair regularly feel dry or brittle, you can reasonably assume that hard water is the cause. In these cases, your Pentair water softening company in Naperville, Illinois can provide a solution.
Looking for a Pentair Water Softening Company in Naperville, Illinois?
Are you ready to protect your water-based appliances by having a water softener installed? If so, and if you’re looking for the top-rated Pentair water softening company in Naperville, Illinois, Johnson Water Conditioning is the top choice. Contact us today to discuss your water softening